PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX TO AFFIRM YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. All volunteers must attend at least one of a series of orientation meetings (to be held either in person or virtually depending on availability). The purpose of the orientation meetings are to discuss event rules and expectations, safety protocols, and get assignments.
All volunteers for National Puerto Rican Day Parade events must register in advance including full names, addresses, emails, and telephone numbers.
A. No one is allowed to walk on or be anywhere on the parade route or staging area, or grandstand/viewing area without proper credentials.
B. Volunteers are not allowed to use their credentials as a “free pass” or “VIP Pass” to participate in any NPRDP event as a spectator/participant during, before, or after they are volunteering.
C. Volunteers must wear an NPRDP t-shirt that is clearly marked as "volunteer" when required.
D. Volunteers who choose to misuse their credentials for personal gain will be expelled or banned from NPRDP events.
A. Reflect on general public decency and moral values, including a dress code of a professional or cultural nature.
B. Exhibit behavior that is appropriate at all times.
C. Refrain from the use of profane or offensive music, language, symbols, or gestures.
D. Respectfully interact with people, and refrain from aggressive, rude, or bullish behavior while working with the public.
E. Keep any NPRDP property without expressed permission from organizers, including table settings, posters, event paraphernalia, etc.
The inappropriate (including altered or damaged) use of the Puerto Rican flag as part of an outfit or clothing will not be allowed while volunteering for any NPRDP event.
Volunteers must respect the privacy of NPRDP honorees and guests at all times. Therefore, volunteers are not allowed to:
A. Leave posts to interact with event performers, honorees, guests, or other public officials, unless they are specifically assigned to escort these individuals during an event.
B. Post on social media any “behind the scenes” pictures of or with performers, celebrities and/or public officials without permission. This includes from backstage, greenroom/VIP areas, or during the NPRDP gala.
C. Engage in a discourteous or inappropriate manner with event performers, honorees, guests, or public offices during any NPRDP event.
A. Volunteers may not “split their time” between volunteering for parade events and participating with a contingent, float or group during the same event.
B. If there is a time conflict with your participation, please let organizers know before your assignment.
Absolutely no alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, marijuana/cannabis, fireworks, or any other items requiring proof of age can be sold, used, or consumed while volunteering for any NPRDP event.
A. All volunteers must adhere to the instructions of NPRDP organizers or assigned volunteer team leaders.
B. Failure to abide by the rules as stipulated above may result in various disciplinary actions including but not limited to: suspension, removal from the event, or expulsion/banning from any and all events organized by the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Inc.
C. Rules are reviewed and updated regularly, so please review them yearly
What Event would you like to volunteer for? Select *
If so, please indicate what events and the years you volunteered.
Please let us know what specific skills or experience you may have that would help during the event. Be as specific as possible.
I agree to read and abide by the NPRDP Volunteer Guidelines while volunteering for any event organized by the NPRDP
I agree to attend a NPRDP Volunteer orientation before volunteering for the event I am selected for.
Your volunteer application has been submitted. NPRDP organizers will be in contact with you on follow ups and next steps. Please do not submit this form multiple times.